Reprint from DOWNTOWN Magazine Summer 2024. Photography by Eddie Garay.

IN THE BUSTLING HEART OF NEW YORK, amidst the towering skyscrapers and the relentless pace of Wall Street, there exists a sanctuary of joy and inclusivity, a testament to one man’s unwavering dedication to creating a better world for children.

This sanctuary is Complete Playground, a space where children of all abilities can play, learn, and grow. The man behind this vision is Alex Reznik, founder of Complete Playground and Complete Body. His journey is not only inspiring but also a powerful reminder of the impact one person can have on their community and beyond.

Reznik’s story begins in Ukraine, then part of the USSR. After moving to America in 1989, Reznik’s journey was marked by determination and hard work, first as a personal trainer, and eventually founded his own fitness empire. But his greatest challenge and triumph came with the birth of his son, Milan, who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Milan’s diagnosis was a pivotal moment for Alex. As a father, he was determined to provide the best possible care for his son. He and his husband immersed themselves in research about autism, learning about sensory rooms and therapies. The lack of resources downtown and the cold, clinical environment of a few existing facilities led Alex to envision a space where therapy could be integrated with play—a place where all children could feel safe and happy.

Complete Playground was born out of this vision. Located next to the New York Stock Exchange, it symbolizes a stark contrast to the high-stress environment surrounding it. It’s a place where children, regardless of their abilities, can feel welcomed and valued. Alex’s innovative approach combines therapeutic services with a fun, engaging unique state of the art, playground, ensuring that children look forward to their sessions.The support of his long-time partners and friends, Brian Marcel and Tony Alvarez, has been instrumental in bringing Alex’s many business visions to life.“Inclusion is not just a buzzword for us; it’s a core principle,”says Reznik. “Our space is designed to be inclusive for all kids, whether they are neurodiverse or neurotypical. The purpose of our facility is to cater to children’s diverse needs and make sure no child feels left out.

“Our approach to inclusion covers three essential areas: sensory inclusion, physical activity, and financial accessibility.

“Sensory Inclusion. Many kids have sensory difficulties, and we recognize the importance of catering to these needs. When you walk into our facility, you’ll see a sign offering free head-phones for those who need them to manage auditory sensitivities. We also provide fidget toys to help children who need them to stay calm and focused. Unlike typical arcades that can be overwhelming with loud noises and flashing lights, our space is designed to be sensory-friendly.

“Physical activity is crucial for all children, but especially for those who might not get enough exercise due to their specific needs. Our facility includes a sensory gym, gymnastics classes, and a large labyrinth play area. We also offer movie nights and pretend play areas where kids can engage in imaginative play, which is just as important for their development as physical exercise.

“Financial accessibility. “We understand that many families and schools might struggle with financial constraints, and we strive to make our facility accessible to everyone.”

Complete Playground, 30 Broad Street,, @completeplayground