Let There Be Lightning

Let There Be Lightning

If Patti Smith is the godmother of punk, then Lenny Kaye is its godfather. But he is also a writer, composer, record producer, and the keeper of an encyclopedic knowledge of rock n’ roll. He lives and breathes it, and his timeline coincides with the origins of...
Urbane Ambassador

Urbane Ambassador

Miami DDA’s newest board member Amal Solh Kabbani wears many hats in the community, and is an advocate for the arts.  photograph by Jesus Cabrera Photography Reprinted from DOWNTOWN Magazine Summer 2024 It’s been a long journey since Amal Solh Kabbani grew up in...
Urban Planner

Urban Planner

photography by Kevin Begovich Reprinted from DOWNTOWN Magazine Summer 2024 It’s not every day that you hear about a native New Yorker leaving for another metropolis, but for Nick Griffin, who has now been the Executive Director at the DTLA Alliance for the past five...